Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Spread the word to end the word. Please Read and pass this on!

I'm using the blog to get a point across about the mentally challenge, or the developmentally delayed. The use of the word "Retard" is completely unethical, and i hope everyone who reads this blog will understand why, and help spread the word. I am apart of an organization "Spread the word to end the word" which is the process of diminishing the use of the "r-word". Working with the mentally challenged is a life changing experience, its what i love to do. What people don't understand is that people with Down syndrome, or autism (etc.) are human beings just like you and I. Are you going to single me out and make a word for me because i'm Anemic? I don't think so. Oh you have asthma, so i'm going to come up for a word to single you out. Completely wrong and unethical.

Where i'm from, you have an option to become part of a class called peer mentoring, which is a class in which you work with many other students with down syndrome, autism, developemental delays, servere ADD and ADHD, prader willy syndrome, and many more, and if you are in this, your a jock, your a cheerleader, your honor society, you best looking, best personality, EVERYONE does it. Doesn't matter who you are, and you get more respect than anyone in the school. ITS NOT COOL TO USE THE WORD RETARD, so stop saying it. ANYONE WHO MAY BE CATEGORIZED UNDER THAT TEAM KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS AND IT IS HURTFUL AND RUDE.

I hear people toss that word around like its nothing here, and i get into fights with people almost everyday, i'm just trying to help end the word, so i am asking you all to please pass this on and understand.

To read more about spread the word to end the word go to http://www.r-word.org/ and make a pledge not to use it, Please. My friends back at home with these disablities read the pledge to you and you repeat after them, and our downsyndrome 18 year old gives you a hug after you make the pledge, it is a life changing experience to make this vow. Please realize using this word offends people with challenges.

It is becoming more popular around the world, and all school systmes are working on abolishing it, Help us out!!

For any more questions you can reply to this, send me an email at r_mustone@salemstate.edu or find me on facebook. Thank you to all who pledge!

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