Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Charter Schools

A few years back i broke my leg pretty bad, i had the best physical therapist in the world! We talked everyday i was there, she was the best. Right before they gave me an extension in the rehab, she told me she was leaving she found a job teaching at a charter school. I thought that was the name of it or something, turns out charter schools are very unique and helpful to families.

Charter Schools were authorized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Education Reform Act of 1993. The best way to describe them was how the website described it, saying that "charter schools are independent public schools that operate under five year charters granted by the Commonwealth's Board of Education." www.doe.mass.edu/charter

There is a charter school located in a tiny space in East Boston, right next to where i live, its great that im researching it now because know one ever knows what it is! Basically, charter schools are elementary and secondary schools that recieve funding from the state.
In a 2008 a survey shows that 59% of the schools had a waiting list, averaging 198 students.

Some charter schools provide a curriculum that specializes in a certain field including arts, mathematics, etc. Others attempt to provide a better and more efficient general education than nearby public schools.

There are two main guidlines charter schools must follow. First is that they will operate as autonomous public schools, through waivers from many of the procedural requirements of district public schools. The second is that charter schools are accountable for student achievement.

This type of school interests me, it gives other students with unique learning abilities to get the education they deserve without worrying about tuition.

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